
粉嶺聖若瑟堂: 基督教默禱簡介會

09 Aug 2024


粉嶺聖若瑟堂為響應祈禱年主辦了一系列祈禱講座,介紹不同的祈禱方式,鼓勵信友祈禱 。 8月9日是基督徒默禱講座,由小組組長Paul Shek 帶領介紹默禱,隨後幾位會員分享了他們的默禱經驗。簡介會大約有四十多位教友參加,反應熱烈,主任司鐸和助理司鐸也全程參與,跟大家一起體驗默禱。神父說祈禱的目的是親近天主,與主連繫,而安靜是祈禱很好的元素,能專注天主,他很欣賞我們團體的祈禱精神,願更多信友藉我們的推廣,認識默禱。



On 9 August, WCCM (HK) and the Fanling St Joseph meditation group made a presentation to parishioners-at-large at the historic but newly renovated church in Fanling. The event was well attended with 40-50 parishioners, accompanied by their parish priests Fathers Pietro Dossi and Fernando Cagnin. The parish had been holding a series of presentations introducing different forms of prayers to enrich the parishioners’ prayer life. On 9 August, WCCM (HK) presented Christian meditation. Paul Shek, the St Joseph meditation group leader, first introduced meditation, then a number of meditators shared their meditation experiences. After the successful presentation, many in the audience showed interest in our weekly online meditation or signed up to join the physical group at their church.